Thursday, November 10, 2011


Poppy:Awake is going to be book 2 in The Deadly Flower Series.  Working on the last chapter and editing now.  Can't wait.  Thanks for all of the support so far and I hope you guys stick with me.  I'm loving the books and I hope you do too!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Poppy" Now available.!!

So excited that "Poppy" is now available for purchase on your e-book.  If you own a Kindle you can purchase it directly from your device.  All others can purchase it from  Approval is pending for Nook and Apple devices.  You can still get it from smashwords for these devices, you just have to upload it to your device from your laptop.  I will let you know as soon as the approval comes through.  Let me know what you think.  I am so anxious to get some feedback!!! Hope you all love it. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Countdown has begun!!!

Poppy will be available on Tuesday November 8, 2011!!!  I am so excited (and nervous). I hope everyone gets a copy and loves it.  Let me know what you think (good or bad). The book is available in ebook format only.  You can get it on Kindle or  Smashwords sells the book in all formats (i.e.  Sony, Nook, and upload for your laptop).  So no excuses guys  :)